Before and After

Kenny Alley Pathway, before and after addition of mural in June 2015

Kenny Alley Pathway, before and after addition of mural in June 2015

kenny alley pathway

Previously a dumping ground and undesirable passage for local neighbors, Kenny Alley is now adorned by a beautiful mural led by Matt Christensen, local art teacher and muralist.  Dumping has substantially decreased since the addition of this new mural.

Kenny Alley north wall, before and after addition of vertical garden and mural, April 2016

Kenny Alley north wall, before and after addition of vertical garden and mural, April 2016

Vertical Garden

Previously graffiti prone and unkempt, the northern wall of Kenny Alley was cold and desolate.  Volunteers and local contractor Marta Ayala installed a new fence, mural and vertical rain gutter garden with drought-tolerant flowering succulents.

Kenny Alley south wall, before and after the addition of Italian Cypress, river rock and mountain mural, April 2016

Kenny Alley south wall, before and after the addition of Italian Cypress, river rock and mountain mural, April 2016

Mountain Mural

The mountain mural was extended to the south wall, which was adorned with five beautiful Italian Cypress trees and river rock.  The mural and landscaping flank the stairs which will hold the new "Waterfall" mosaic and new tread tiles.

Kenny Alley Staircase, before, during and after revitalization

Kenny Alley Staircase, before, during and after revitalization

"waterfall" mosaic staircase

Previously dirty, covered in graffiti, crumbling and full of weeds, the Kenny Alley Stairs were revitalized in August 2016 by SF Public Works with a fresh refacing.  Public Works also moved the banister from the center position to flanking either side of the stairs, making way for our beautiful mosaic installation.  

Closeup of steps at Kenny Alley

Closeup of steps at Kenny Alley

Artist and Teacher Kim Jensen, along with 80 students and countless community volunteers, painstakingly hand cut, glued and assembled each of the 47 panels used on the face of the Kenny Alley steps.  Kim's personal touch created each of the 60+ handmade donor legacy tiles found on the stairs.  The "Waterfall" mosaic at Kenny Alley is comprised of glass stones, vitreous glass tile and mirror pieces.  The entire installation was completed by Susan and Suaro Cervantes of Precita Eyes.  ADA-compliant tread top tiles were cut on site to ensure proper fit, and installed along with the mosaic panels to give Kenny Alley stairs a well-deserved facelift.

View these and more in our latest Before and After Photo Album.